Tag Archives: friendship

The Joy of Dogs

This is a love story. I became a first-time dog owner six years ago and had no idea how my life would change when our four-legged angel came into my life.  I didn’t grow up with pets unless you count hermit crabs, which I do not.  My parents had all sorts of reasons for our dog less deprivation– we traveled too much, it was too much work – but really, they never got over the loss of their dog Bonnie, who passed away right before my brother was born.

Wyatt Baxter came home with us on Feb 12, a perfect Valentine’s gift for the entire family.  He was 14 pounds of love and had I realized how quickly he’d grow, his paws would not have touched the ground for the first few months of his life. 

We hit the dog lottery with Wyatt.  He is sweet, calm, loving and the most mellow Labrador you’ll ever meet.  He doesn’t walk, he saunters.  He doesn’t bark.  He’s the dog park greeter, racing over to say hello to the other dog owners every morning.  I never thought I could love anyone as much as I love my husband and kids, but I was wrong.  They’ll be the first to tell you that he’s the favorite in the house.  If you met him, I’m sure you’d agree.

Most everyone understands the joy of dog ownership.  Without a doubt, they are angels on earth.  Wyatt has opened my world in a way that I never could have imagined, beyond the obvious unconditional love and companionship.  Every morning, after school drop off and before work, we hit the dog park.  My dog park friends are of all ages and from all walks of life.  At the dog park, in a town where political parties can divide, dogs unite.  Perhaps our members of Congress should come to Old Town to work things out – it’s hard to get annoyed with the “other side” when your dogs are playing together with abandon. 

We discuss the hard and happy at the park – the personal trials and the joys. We support one another, throw balls, feed treats, and discuss diets (for the dogs, not us).  There is something about spending every morning with people – in your messiest dog park clothes, hair unbrushed, makeup-free – that allows you to let your guard down.  We discuss it all, work through issues, and help each other out while the dogs play. Some of my best travel advice has originated at the dog park.    We’ve celebrated the birth of new babies, the death of loved ones, and mourned with those who have lost their beloved dogs. 

Many of my sentences begin, “My friend from the dog park…” because, in a time when I still mostly work remotely, the dog park is where I’m guaranteed to interact in person with someone outside of my family. 

Wyatt has taught me how to slow down and be present, reminded me to greet everyone, embrace dirty clothes as a badge of honor because that means a dog jumped on you, shown me that we all have more in common than our differences, and guaranteed that I’ll never be lonely.  

Thanks to Wyatt, I will be a dog owner for life.   

Take Ten

One of my college roommates and I exchanged text messages last night, too busy to talk, but enough time to connect through text.  She had come across my blog and we bemoaned the fact that we don’t have time to write.  I had told myself that I would post something weekly, but I haven’t put anything up in a months, let alone write a thing.   I told her that I am so busy working/taking care of kids/making meals/cleaning up/vacuuming again/running to appointments that sometimes it feels like my head will spin off.   Recently I saw an article on the internet that said that “busyness” is the new “thing” or status symbol – I am too busy to….go ahead, fill in the blank.   Deep sigh.  Busyness just feels like my life.  Even meditating seems difficult lately, because there are constant interruptions.  Whenever I put Oprah’s meditation challenge on and Deepak Chopra starts talking, my entire family converges upon me.  I can’t hide from them.  The boys even come into the bathroom, “Mama, Gregory just took my toy!” “Mama, I can’t find my Lego piece!”  –  the cat even tries to get in, her little paw underneath the door jiggling and jiggling in hopes that she’ll be able to open it (it’s a sliding door, so I don’t think she’ll be successful).  Just yesterday, my three year old came in while I was in the shower and declared he had to “go pee-pee RIGHT NOW” (we are in the throes of potty training) but refused to use my bathroom.  It was the one time I was thankful we had a snow day so my seven year old could help him.

But I digress.  Jess and I agreed that we would “take ten.”  Life would ALWAYS get in our way.  She is a busy working Mom with three beautiful girls and I am a busy working Mom with two boys (and one who insists he is potty trained but poops in his underpants. EVERY DAY!) There will always be closets to be organized, beds to be made, laundry to be folded and sorted, dishes to be washed, floors to be vacuumed, work to be done, reports to be filed, underpants to be changed.  But if we just gave ourselves ten minutes each day to write, something that fills us both up – just ten minutes for ourselves, what could that do for us?

And so here I am, day one of “Take 10.”  My ten minutes to get my thoughts, however jumbled out on paper and start filling up my soul.

The timer just rang – ten minutes goes quickly when you are doing something you enjoy OR when you are trying to get kids out the door.  Have you ever noticed how quickly the time flies by during the eating-brushing teeth-getting dressed-going to the bathroom-getting your coat and shoes on- backpack on-c’mon let’s hurry we don’t want to miss the bus mornings?

So here’s my unedited “Take 10” or rather 13 minutes, a commitment to myself.

I can’t wait to see where it leads.

Thanks for the inspiration Jess!